Be part of GlobalMissions21!
Open your eyes and look at what’s in front of you... It’s Harvest Time!
- John 4:35
Journey with us as partner in serving the Christian community!

At SCGM, we seek to be strategic, to encourage connection, to push for growth in missionary training, and to promote mobilisation in the local churches for missions.
We seek to provide services for the Christian community through strategic thought leadership for churches and agencies in missions trends, research and practice.
We aim to establish local, regional and global partnerships to mobilise, train and carry out effective missionary outreach in the harvest fields. As such, we welcome churches, organisations and individual members to partner with us as we learn and grow together in implementing practical and effective missions strategies to reach the world through thought leadership, research and practice.

At SCGM, we seek to be strategic, to encourage connection, to push for growth in missionary training, and to promote mobilisation in the local churches for missions.
We seek to provide services for the Christian community through strategic thought leadership for churches and agencies in missions trends, research and practice.
We aim to establish local, regional and global partnerships to mobilise, train and carry out effective missionary outreach in the harvest fields. As such, we welcome churches, organisations and individual members to partner with us as we learn and grow together in implementing practical and effective missions strategies to reach the world through thought leadership, research and practice.