God's leading over
the 4 decades


In March 1980, The Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Missions (SCEM) became a registered society under the Registrar of Societies, Singapore


World Heartbeat
National Conference I

1st Decade

SCGM focused on helping churches to understand missions and to become mission-active; and developed mission policies for mission sending.

Chris Thomas served as the first Executive Director of SCEM in early 1980s.

Michael Jaffarian served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1985 to 1992.


World Heartbeat
National Conference II

1st Decade

SCGM focused on helping churches to understand missions and to become mission-active; and developed mission policies for mission sending.

Chris Thomas served as the first Executive Director of SCEM in early 1980s.

Michael Jaffarian served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1985 to 1992.


World Heartbeat
National Conference II


Launch of National Missions Survey 1990


National Missions Conference

2nd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting missions to reach the 10/40 window; a clearing house for research on unreached people groups (UPGs) and helped churches to adopt UPGs.


Rev Aow Kong Yow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1992 to 1995.

Andre De Winne served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1995 to 2006.


2nd National Missions Survey 2000

2nd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting missions to reach the 10/40 window; a clearing house for research on unreached people groups (UPGs) and helped churches to adopt UPGs.

Rev Aow Kong Yow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1992 to 1995.

Andre De Winne served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1995 to 2006.


2nd National Missions Survey 2000


1st GoForth National
Missions Conference 2002


2nd GoForth National
Missions Conference 2005


3rd GoForth National
Missions Conference 2008

3rd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting national missions movements through GoForth conferences.


Stanley Ow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 2006 to 2009.

Juliette Arulrajah served as National Director of SCEM from 2009 to 2011.


3rd National Missions Survey 2009

In April 2009, SCEM's organisational name was officially changed to Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM), reflecting the missions thrust of the organisation to serve churches in missions in a globalised context.

3rd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting national missions movements through GoForth conferences.

Stanley Ow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 2006 to 2009.

Juliette Arulrajah served as National Director of SCEM from 2009 to 2011.


3rd National Missions Survey 2009

In April 2009, SCEM's organisational name was officially changed to Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM), reflecting the missions thrust of the organisation to serve churches in missions in a globalised context.

4th Decade

SCGM develops global missions strategies and regional strategic partnership networks.

Lawrence Ko was appointed as National Director of SCGM in 2012.


Publication Launch: 'Urbany: The Gospel at Street Level' edited by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM

SEANET Conference – ND Lawrence Ko elected as member of Steering Group

SCGM Annual Lecture 2017: “Raising Children as Leaders for the Next Generationby Dr Bambang Budijanto

Launch of Certificate in Mission Practice: a course offered by Trinity Theological College in partnership with SCGM and Diocese of Singapore (Anglican)

Nov 2017: UN-Habitat Urban Thinkers Campus in Singapore, with Bishop Raphael Samuel and Gregory Vijayendran as keynote speakers – jointly organised by SCGM and WEA Creation Care Task Force

Publication Launch: 'Clean Hands, Pure Hearts and Beautiful Feet' by Flora Man and Emily Soh, published by SCGM




4th GoForth National
Missions Conference 2011


Lawrence Ko was appointed as National Director (ND) of SCGM and Daniel Jesudason as Chairman of SCGM Executive Council

SCGM rebranded to focus on Global Missions in 21st Century with the tagline: “Global Missions 21

SCGM Annual Lecture was inaugurated in 2012 with Bishop Terry Kee presenting the “Tales from Asian Mission Fields"

Aug: Missional Business Forum 2012 - Dato Dr Kim Tan and Dr Paul Woods as Keynote Speakers

Publication Launch: 'An Unchanging Gospel for a Changing Asia' edited by Hwa Yung & Lawrence Ko published by SCGM and ALCWE


SCGM adopted the 3 focal areas of Creation Care, Missional Business and Urban Missions

SCGM Annual Lecture 2013: “21st Century Missions Agenda for the Singapore Church" by Rev Malcolm Tan

SCGM Urban Missional Business Forum with Hongkey Chung


SCGM Annual Lecture 2014: “The Cry of Creationby Rev Dr Daniel Koh

Publication Launch: 'Can the Desert Be Green? Planting Hope in the Wilderness' by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM

SCGM organised the Lausanne Singapore Commemoration of 40 years of Lausanne Movement

4th National Missions Survey 2014

5th GoForth National Missions Conference 2014


SCGM Annual Lecture 2015: “The Courage To Beby Dr Bruce Nicholls

SCGM 35th Anniversary Concert: Ethnic Rhythms - jointly organised with Bartley Christian Church

Publication Launch: 'Ethnic Rhythms: Life in a Global City' edited by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM


SCGM Annual Lecture 2016: “Social Holiness Transformsby Rev Dr Kelvin Mannoia

Aug 2012: Asia Evangelical Alliance General Assembly and Mission Congress in Bandung – ND Lawrence Ko was elected as Mission Commission director

Launch of Hethne Conference jointly organised by SCGM with OM East Asia and WEA

4th Decade

SCGM develops global missions strategies and regional strategic partnership networks.


Lawrence Ko was appointed as National Director of SCGM in 2012.


Publication Launch: 'Urbany: The Gospel at Street Level' edited by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM

SEANET Conference – ND Lawrence Ko elected as member of Steering Group

SCGM Annual Lecture 2017: “Raising Children as Leaders for the Next Generationby Dr Bambang Budijanto

Launch of Certificate in Mission Practice: a course offered by Trinity Theological College in partnership with SCGM and Diocese of Singapore (Anglican)

Nov 2017: UN-Habitat Urban Thinkers Campus in Singapore, with Bishop Raphael Samuel and Gregory Vijayendran as keynote speakers – jointly organised by SCGM and WEA Creation Care Task Force

Publication Launch: 'Clean Hands, Pure Hearts and Beautiful Feet' by Flora Man and Emily Soh, published by SCGM


SCGM Annual Lecture 2018: “Righteousness in the Cityby Richard Magnus

6th GoForth National Missions Conference 2018

Nov 2018: SCGM Missional Business Forum on “Myanmar and Beyond: Strategies and Technologies along the Road


SCGM Annual Lecture 2019: “The Trinity of Christian Missions: Ecological, Socio-political and Personal Perspectivesby Prof. Choong Chee Pang

5th National Missions Survey 2019

Nov 2019: SCGM Missional Business Forum on ”Don’t Say It’s Not My Job! - The Good Samaritan Revisited



Publication Launch: 'From the Desert to the City: Christians in Creation Care' by Lawrence Ko, published by Ethos Institute

Lawrence Ko served as Natonal Director of SCGM from 2012 to 2022.

SCGM Annual Lecture 2020: “Disruption, Christian Spirituality and the Missional Christian” by Dr Lai Pak Wah

Next Generation Missions Study 2020

Missional Business Forum 2020: “Entrepreneurship and the Macedonian Call: Transformation in Asian Cities


SCGM Annual Lecture 2021: “Blessed are the Peacemakers” by Bishop Dr Gordon Wong

Publication launch: ‘Hearts Aflame’ (SCGM 40th Anniversary Devotional Campaign)

Launch of 3P Strategic Vision: Prayer, Peacemakers & Practioners in Missions

Peacemakers Forum: “Seeking Peace in the City: The Courage to be Peacemakers


SCGM Annual Lecture 2022: “The Calling of the Laity: The Whole Church of God for His Mission” by Mr Kua Wee Seng


SCGM Annual Lecture 2023: “Future of Missions and the Next Generation

Revd Manik Corea was appointed as National Director of SCGM

Launch of Licentiate in Mission Practice (LMP): a course offered by Trinity Theological College in partnership with SCGM and Diocese of Singapore (Anglican)


Official launch of Asbury Global Hub SEA in partnership with the Center for Church Multiplication, Asbury Theological Seminary

6th National Missions Survey 2024

SCGM rebranded and launched our strategic vision beyond 2024 with the tagline: “Think Mission. Do Missions.

1st Decade

SCGM focused on helping churches to understand missions and to become mission-active; and developed mission policies for mission sending.


Chris Thomas served as the first Executive Director of SCEM in early 1980s.

Michael Jaffarian served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1985 to 1992.


In March 1980, The Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Missions (SCEM) became a registered society under the Registrar of Societies, Singapore


World Heartbeat
National Conference I


World Heartbeat
National Conference II


Launch of National Missions Survey 1990

2nd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting missions to reach the 10/40 window; a clearing house for research on unreached people groups (UPGs) and helped churches to adopt UPGs.


Rev Aow Kong Yow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1992 to 1995.

Andre De Winne served as Executive Director of SCEM from 1995 to 2006.


National Missions Conference


2nd National Missions Survey 2000

3rd Decade

SCGM focused on promoting national missions movements through GoForth conferences.


Stanley Ow served as Executive Director of SCEM from 2006 to 2009.

Juliette Arulrajah served as National Director of SCEM from 2009 to 2011.


1st GoForth National
Missions Conference 2002


2nd GoForth National
Missions Conference 2005


3rd GoForth National
Missions Conference 2008


3rd National Missions Survey 2009

In April 2009, SCEM's organisational name was officially changed to Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM), reflecting the missions thrust of the organisation to serve churches in missions in a globalised context.



4th Decade

SCGM develops global missions strategies and regional strategic partnership networks.


Lawrence Ko was appointed as National Director of SCGM in 2012.


4th GoForth National
Missions Conference 2011


Lawrence Ko was appointed as National Director (ND) of SCGM and Daniel Jesudason as Chairman of SCGM Executive Council

SCGM rebranded to focus on Global Missions in 21st Century with the tagline: “Global Missions 21

SCGM Annual Lecture was inaugurated in 2012 with Bishop Terry Kee presenting the “Tales from Asian Mission Fields"

Aug: Missional Business Forum 2012 - Dato Dr Kim Tan and Dr Paul Woods as Keynote Speakers

Publication Launch: 'An Unchanging Gospel for a Changing Asia' edited by Hwa Yung & Lawrence Ko published by SCGM and ALCWE


SCGM adopted the 3 focal areas of Creation Care, Missional Business and Urban Missions

SCGM Annual Lecture 2013: “21st Century Missions Agenda for the Singapore Church" by Rev Malcolm Tan

SCGM Urban Missional Business Forum with Hongkey Chung


SCGM Annual Lecture 2014: “The Cry of Creationby Rev Dr Daniel Koh

Publication Launch: 'Can the Desert Be Green? Planting Hope in the Wilderness' by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM

SCGM organised the Lausanne Singapore Commemoration of 40 years of Lausanne Movement

4th National Missions Survey 2014

5th GoForth National Missions Conference 2014


SCGM Annual Lecture 2015: “The Courage To Beby Dr Bruce Nicholls

SCGM 35th Anniversary Concert: Ethnic Rhythms - jointly organised with Bartley Christian Church

Publication Launch: 'Ethnic Rhythms: Life in a Global City' edited by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM


SCGM Annual Lecture 2016: “Social Holiness Transformsby Rev Dr Kelvin Mannoia

Aug 2012: Asia Evangelical Alliance General Assembly and Mission Congress in Bandung – ND Lawrence Ko was elected as Mission Commission director

Launch of Hethne Conference jointly organised by SCGM with OM East Asia and WEA


Publication Launch: 'Urbany: The Gospel at Street Level' edited by Lawrence Ko, published by SCGM

SEANET Conference – ND Lawrence Ko elected as member of Steering Group

SCGM Annual Lecture 2017: “Raising Children as Leaders for the Next Generationby Dr Bambang Budijanto

Launch of Certificate in Mission Practice: a course offered by Trinity Theological College in partnership with SCGM and Diocese of Singapore (Anglican)

Nov 2017: UN-Habitat Urban Thinkers Campus in Singapore, with Bishop Raphael Samuel and Gregory Vijayendran as keynote speakers – jointly organised by SCGM and WEA Creation Care Task Force

Publication Launch: 'Clean Hands, Pure Hearts and Beautiful Feet' by Flora Man and Emily Soh, published by SCGM


SCGM Annual Lecture 2018: “Righteousness in the Cityby Richard Magnus

6th GoForth National Missions Conference 2018

Nov 2018: SCGM Missional Business Forum on “Myanmar and Beyond: Strategies and Technologies along the Road


SCGM Annual Lecture 2019: “The Trinity of Christian Missions: Ecological, Socio-political and Personal Perspectivesby Prof. Choong Chee Pang

5th National Missions Survey 2019

Nov 2019: SCGM Missional Business Forum on ”Don’t Say It’s Not My Job! - The Good Samaritan Revisited


Publication Launch: 'From the Desert to the City: Christians in Creation Care' by Lawrence Ko, published by Ethos Institute.



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