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The last of SCGM Mission as Peacemakers dialogue series: join us and hear from our 3 missions leaders who have been actively involved in inter-faith work
Event Details
The last of SCGM Mission as Peacemakers dialogue series: join us and hear from our 3 missions leaders who have been actively involved in inter-faith work in their respective countries as a religious minority engaging the majority of other faith communities. Learn the difficult realities and the fruits of building bridges with people groups who hold different beliefs, practices and value systems from the Christian worldviews.

Seng Mai Aung is the Program Officer for Myanmar at the Institute for Global Engagement (IGE) and is based in Provo, Utah. Prior to joining IGE, she worked at the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Center of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) in Seoul, Republic of Korea, where she organised training workshops for educators from the Asia-Pacific region and beyond on peace education, human rights, cultural diversity, and education for international understanding.
Seng has a B.A. in Korean Language from the Yangon University of Foreign Languages, a B.A. in English Literature under the Religious Studies Program at the Myanmar Institute of Theology, and a M.A. in Educational Administration and Higher Education from Korea University. She just recently graduated from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, with a Juris Doctor degree.

Nao Sokhom has been an executive director of Continuing Learning Organisation (CLO) since 2015, an organisation that focuses on (i) Church Ministry, (ii) Family Strengthening, (iii) Contextual Theology (Christian Faith and Khmer Culture), and (iv) Inter-faith Dialogue for Peace-building. Previously he was a pastor at a Presbyterian church, before working with various NGOs for almost 10 years today.
Nao grew up from a Buddhist background and came to know Christ in 2002. He then started his bible school training with Cambodia For Christ in Phnom Penh city, and pursued a Diploma in Theology from 2003-2006. In 2014, he obtained a Master of Divinity from the Lutheran Theology Seminary of Hong Kong.

Rev Ng Zhi Wen worships at Zion Bishan BP Church, and was previously seconded to Singapore Centre for Global Mission (SCGM) to serve in the area of missions research and missions mobilisation. He served as the Mobilisation IC for the 2018 GoForth National Missions Conference and was co-founder of TeamZero, a group of young adults passionate about the church’s mission in the public square. His passion is to see a church united for God’s mission.
(Friday) 8:45 am - 10:30 am(GMT+08:00)