02mar9:00 am10:30 amFeaturedWHEN BIBLE STUDY IS NOT ENOUGHMissions Conversations 2024

Event Details

We often conceive discipleship as revolving around Bible study. But what about people who are not functionally literate, or who do not primarily learn through reading and studying, or who don’t enjoy opening a book – how can they grow spiritually? What did Christians in ancient times and those who lived before print technology do to grow and mature as followers of Christ?

The Missions Conversation in March will help us to expand our understanding of ‘discipleship’ and think more creatively in discipling orality-background learners in the Word of God. But before we dive into the conversation, come join us for breakfast and fellowship at 8:30am!


Dr Jean Luah, Assistant Professor, Singapore Bible College

Dr Jean K. Luah (PhD, Durham, UK) is Assistant Professor at Singapore Bible College. Her research area is in hermeneutics and interdisciplinary studies. She has taught Old Testament Study (Psalms and Wisdom Literature), Systematic Theology 1 and Biblical Greek. Her passion is for Christian missions, and drama is her interest.

Anne Soh, WEC International (Singapore)

Anne Soh is a missionary with WEC International (Singapore) where she leads the Arts Release team in mobilising and training artists for mission, and organising local and overseas arts outreach. She also speaks and conducts training on arts in mission internationally.

After leaving her job as a curriculum specialist of music in the Ministry of Education to be a stay-at-home mum of three children, she continued teaching children and youth in various churches for some 20 years, as well as completed the MA in Arts in Mission at All Nations Christian College, UK.

Anne blogs about faith and the arts, and contributed to and co-edited Arts Across Cultures: Reimagining the Christian Faith in Asia (Regnum, 2022).



(Saturday) 9:00 am - 10:30 am(GMT+08:00)


OMF Singapore

2 Cluny Road, Singapore 259570


Singapore Centre for Global Missions

+65 87980235485 Bedok South Ave 2, Singapore 469315


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