Global Transmission, Global Mission

A written compilation of observations and reflections by Jason Mandryk (Operation World) on the impact and implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Does The Future Have A Church?

A leadership exercise for those who know Who holds tomorrow.
Looking Ahead: Global Missions in a Post-Pandemic World

A crisis accelerates the need to re-think positions and strategies. But above all, we are to continue to proclaim that Jesus is Lord in all circumstances. Jesus is Lord of His church. We are to be faithful in evangelism and the teaching of His Word.
Facing The Invisible Enemy

The early church faced a visible threat in Acts 4. However, the battle we are fighting today is more hidden. We faced an invisible threat, the COVID-19. We cannot see it, but it is lethal. However, there are lessons we can learn from the early church as we face the threats, whether visible or invisible.
We Are All Neighbours Now

There are 4 themes we can reflect on in terms of this Covid-19 crisis and the impact and implications on global missions. I will list them simply as the 4Cs, viz., the City, the Church, the Christian Spirituality and the Community.
The Post-Covid-19 Landscape for Global Missions

The world is being shaken by the Covid-19 pandemic. What should happen when we get through this?
Novel Coronavirus: Lessons on Radical Charity from the Early Church

As we wrestle with what to do in the present novel coronavirus crisis, let’s consider how our ancient forebears responded when they faced the plague.
The Church Going Urban

The globe has morphed at a rapid pace with the rise of mega cities. In Asia, more and more people are pouring into urban centres from villages in search of a better life. In light of such change, how should the Church adapt in continuing to fulfil the Great Commission?