May Your Deeds be Shown to Your Servants and Their Children

Divine Fire, like in the burning bush encountered by Moses, symbolises God’s presence and His power. Moses encountered it again in the pillar of fire, guiding and protecting him and the people of Israel in the wilderness, and in the fire on the mountain when God gave His 10 commandments.
As we celebrate SCGM’s 40th anniversary, we can thank God for His promised presence (Mt. 28:20b) throughout these 40 years. Moses’ prayer in Psalm 90:12 (NIV) is “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Forty years is a good stretch, but still only half of an 80-year lifespan Moses envisaged in verse 10, and only a fraction of the 120 years Moses may have lived when he wrote this psalm.
I am 68 and was privileged to have been involved with SCGM (then known as SCEM – Singapore Centre for Evangelism and Missions) in the 1980/90s when I was OMF’s Singapore Director at a relatively young age of 35. It was a pleasure to work with several then SCEM executive directors when I was on the board, and with other board members representing many other Christian organisations.
One memorable event was the first National Missions Conference*, in what was then the relatively early days of the Singapore missionary movement when Singaporean cross-cultural missionaries still did not number in the hundreds. We have come a long way since then and I am glad to have contributed a little to the beginnings of the Singapore missionary movement.
When my wife and I joined OMF in 1987, the number of Singaporeans serving overseas with OMF could be counted with just two hands. Today that number must be at least sevenfold, and I have lost count as it continues to increase under succeeding Singapore national directors after I stepped down in 2001.
Moses concluded in Psalm 90:17
“May the favour of the Lord our God rest upon us;
establish the work of our hands for us—
yes, establish the work of our hands.”
This is my prayer for OMF, for SCGM and myself.
These days, having retired from active ministry to focus on my grandchildren and future generations, my prayer is also for them:
“May your deeds be shown to your servants, your splendour to their children” because “Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations. Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the earth and the world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” – Psalm 90:16, 1-2
Praise be to God.
* The World Heartbeat Conference in 1985
KENNETH TAN served as one of the past chairmen of our SCGM (SCEM) board. He and his wife Karen worship and serve at St. George’s Church. They have 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren.
40 FRiends of SCGM have been invited to take part in our 40-Day Devotional Project to help raise funds for SCGM’s 40th Anniversary. Each day starting 20 November 2020 to 31 December 2020, SCGM will publish one devotion written by our 40 FRiends in our FundRaising effort and celebration of God’s goodness and provision over the last 40 years!
Through their devotional reflections, we pray that our FRiends of SCGM40 will bless and encourage many to reflect upon God’s Presence, Protection, Provision, Purification and Power in Missions.